Dear friends and family,
As summer is coming to an end, I really enjoy the leaves starting to change colors, the crisp air in the morning and taking in God’s creation and his majestic design that holds the whole world in place. It reminds us that life is made of seasons and no matter what you are facing today, seasons come, and seasons go, and I hope you’ll take the time to enjoy it too. God is faithful to bring a season to pass and the sun to shine again in its due season.

Last month we had an amazing opportunity to go on a tour in Israel! We walked in places where Jesus walked and learned so much about the history of the land and the life of Jesus as the Bible came to life through the teachings and seeing it in front of our eyes! We spent time with dear friends, laughed, ate Mediterranean food until we wanted it no more, and were refreshed as we are preparing to go to Gambia.
Ministry update – Radiance Kids Club

Summer at Emmanuel Mission Center means that there is more time for ministry opportunities – discipleship classes, camps, and sharing the Gospel with children and young adults almost every day!

Hope and Blessing, with the help of other staff members, organized all these activities and the results were all worth the hard work! Another batch of students graduated from the two-week intensive Discipleship class, memorizing the Word of God, and gaining understanding of God’s love and provision through Jesus our Savior. Bible memorization competitions are a favorite activity for the children, and they receive prizes to encourage them to memorize more.

Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) Camp 2022
It was a great privilege to host such an amazing Youth Camp for Teens in The Gambia. Over 200 youth participated in a 5-day program, full of empowering teachings and activities.
Some of the activities:
- Bible study: Being steadfast, relationship and destiny, understanding the times, the Holy Spirit Power.
- Movie nights: Movies base on Christian Faith
- Workshops: Barbing/Knitting/pastries/U-tubing
- Games/Sports
- Praise & worship
- Dinner and general meetings
- Personal devotion in dorms
- Career Counseling
- Variety Night: teens were the given opportunity to compose songs or write dramas base on the theme of the Camp: MARANATHA.
The Holy Spirit empowering session was awesome in that most of the teens received the baptism Of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues.
The teens and youth made a purity pledge and look forward to next year’s youth camp!
We have been praying for God to pour out his Spirit and to raise up a generation that knows Him and the power of the cross. I believe God is doing that and more, as we continue to disciple and invest in these young lives and to proclaim the goodness of God in Gambia.

We are leaving for Gambia next month. Two teams will be joining us there. The first team will be working along with the Gambian people to build a much-needed warehouse where we can store future container shipments, food, and supplies. A second team of young adults will focus on children’s ministry, teacher training and any other areas of need. Please pray for God to stir their hearts to respond to the plentiful harvest and the need for workers in Gambia.
We praise God for His grace and provision for the school and ministry received though your love and support and we pray the Lord will bless you and your families most abundantly for your faithful support of His people.
Blessings and much love,
Sol and Manuela Bah