Dear friends and family,
It’s finally almost here! Yes, Christmas is almost here! We’ve never seen so many lights and Christmas trees set up even before Thanksgiving. People are looking for something good to celebrate, something that brings them joy and cheer. I believe deep down inside, everyone is looking for HOPE. In a broken world where there are no answers from the wisdom of man, we all look for something bigger than us—something that can lift us out of the mold that the world tries to push us in. Therefore, we humbly come to our Lord and Savior and pray with all our hearts that this Christmas, the world will recognize and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus, the HOPE of the world!
Let’s Celebrate what the Lord is doing thousands of miles away through your faithfulness!
Emmanuel Mission Center
Classroom learning has been open in Gambia since late October. Our hearts are just thrilled to see our children back in the classrooms! Because of the late start, children are in school from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. We were concerned we would not be allowed to prepare their lunches, but there are no restrictions and we resumed the feeding program at the school.
By the grace of God, everything is going well. At the beginning of the academic year, we were able to hire some amazing teachers with many years of experience. It is such a testimony of God’s provision and faithfulness that we were be able to tell the new employees we could pay them every month, especially since they had not been paid since March at the previous schools they worked at. God is faithful and we are so grateful for your support and faithfulness to make this possible in these hard economic times.
Ministry Partners Update—Family Growth
OUR FAMILIES ARE GROWING! Pastor Frances and his wife, Fatima, were blessed with a healthy baby girl in October. She joins her big sister, Rebecca, who is attending EMC this year. Pastor Saiko and his wife also had a baby girl in November, and she joins her two brothers and sister. Praise God!
Ministry Growth Opportunities
We always pray for God to bring people in our lives that He is using for His Glory and we can partner with in sharing the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Last month, we were introduced to Pastor Paul Mendy and his wife who have two boys and a girl. As they sought the Lord’s direction for their lives, God spoke to them separately about the same thing: taking care of orphans and the neglected of society. The Mendys started taking in orphans, the sick and neglected, and children experiencing demonic oppression. The Lord has delivered and healed many of the children.
Aside from their three children, the Mendys are caring for an additional 12 children in a two-bedroom house and due to the world-wide pandemic, it is a struggle to provide for all their needs. As we listened to their story, we strongly felt this is something God wants us to be a part of and we have started supporting this brother and his wife to care for the children. There was one young Muslim girl who Pastor Paul and his wife prayed for and who the Lord delivered from a demon, but she had to go back to her abusive family because there was no room for her. It breaks our hearts when we hear the Mendys have to turn away children because there is not enough room for them all.
God is opening many opportunities to share His Love to the least of these and we are humbled and excited to be a part of His work. He is continuing to use us all, even from a distance and in difficult times, if we open our hearts and eyes and listen to His Spirit. We are grateful beyond words for your faithfulness to this ministry. Without your support and prayers, we cannot do what we do!
May God our Father bless you richly through Jesus our Savior and by the power of His Spirit! May He shower you and your children and grandchildren with every spiritual blessing this Christmas season and in the New Year! Live under the favor of the King!
Blessings and much love,
Sol and Manuela Bah