Dear friends and family,
As much as we would like to see things get back to our normal, here and abroad, we continue to adjust to new ways of ministry and education so the children at the school can keep up with their studies. God has been good and faithful throughout this season in our lives and the ministry.
Emmanuel Mission Center
Schools are still closed in Gambia due to more cases of COVID-19 in the country, with the exception of Grade 9 students who have returned to school to prepare for high school entrance exams. Our 21 students from Grade 9 have been in class preparing for 4 weeks and on July 20th-28th they started the exams. “Teaching and learning is been intense since they have a lot of material to cover,” says Mr. Daniel, the School Principal. We are so proud of the staff, how they implemented all the regulations required by the government in order to return to classroom learning. Our prayer is that the students were able to learn, absorb, and remember everything needed to pass the exams. We have not been able to provide food for them due to regulations—that is a hard one for us since we know there are many students who come from financially struggling families—but we were able to provide in different ways!
Food Provision for Students’ Families
We are so grateful for God’s on-going provision for the ministry! This enables the work to continue and to show the love of Jesus in action. A designated donation for food distribution came in last month that provided 85 bags of rice to be given to the poor and hungry! We strongly felt in our hearts that we are to provide for the families of students in our school. We wanted to show them we care not only about their education but also for their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Last month, the school Principal identified 40 families of our students and they were blessed with a bag of rice. Next month, they will distribute the remaining bags of rice to another 45 families. This was a time of ministry and Mr. Dan took this opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel with these dear people, praying a blessing over them before distributing the rice. They were all so blessed. We could see the joy on their faces even through pictures!
We also provided rice for some of the people we worked with over the years and built relationships with through construction projects. Alajie, the welder, has been making all the roof trusses for the buildings. Sam Bush, the mason, was around many construction projects with the teams from the states. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and provision to bless your people.
Ministry Partners Update
Pastor Seiko, who ministers in Buiam and surrounding villages, provides for his family through farming. In order for crops to grow, rain is essential! Last year, the rainy season started very late and it was short. This year, he has been asking us since June to pray for rain and the Lord of the rain is pouring out the blessing of rain on the land. Seiko was very happy to inform us that his groundnuts are in the ground and there is enough rain to make them grow. To God be the Glory! He gives rain and sunshine; He supplies all our needs according to His mighty power.
In Yuna Village, Pastor Robert and Ana are persevering in the work of the ministry, providing for the needy in their community. The Lord is working in people’s hearts. We partner with them by providing a bag of rice every month to Sister Diminga since she had a stroke. The youth from the church have even been helping her with house chores. She is feeling better and able to come to church. She is picked up with Pastor Robert’s motorcycle. Praise God for His provision!
A Muslim woman from the village is now attending church regularly. After being prayed for, Jesus delivered her from an evil spirit that had been tormenting her. Praise God!
Pray for God to prepare Godly people to work in the country’s leadership; people like Nehemiah who would choose to do the right thing, no matter the circumstances. Pray for the school’s teachers and staff to know right from wrong, so they can teach the children. Pray for God to prepare new teachers full of the Holy Spirit, to teach integrity and character through their actions.
Thank you so much for your commitment to pray, give, and support the work God is doing in Gambia. We know that each one of you is continuing to give and support this work sacrificially and we cannot thank you enough! We cannot do what we do without you! We declare the protection of the Blood of Jesus over you, your jobs, and your children!
Blessings and much love,
Sol and Manuela Bah